Id Software macht´s wiedermal vor...

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Id Software macht´s wiedermal vor...

UNREAD_POSTvon Kobolds|virus am 13 Dez 2005, 08:29:25

...wie´s geht!
Eine "neue" Technologie ist auf dem Markt und prompt wird das Spiel via Patch, der diese Technologie in die Engine einbindet, aufgewertet.
Endlich bekommt nun auch mein 2ter kleiner XEON was zu tun! :twisted:

BTW Jeder der eine Intel CPU mit HT sein Eigen nennt, darf sich auch ein wenig freuen! ;-)

QUAKE 4(tm) Update Beta Release README

Last updated 12-08-2005

This update is required for server admins as it addresses a server
side internet game connection issue.

This update is recommended for users with dual core processors or
Intel(r) Hyper-Threading technology.

Please note that in-game console commands are not supported by

This update for QUAKE 4 addresses issues found in both multiplayer
and single player since the release of the game. A complete list
of changes and additions is included below. For future updates
and more information about the game, please visit the official
game website at

This update contains the changes from updates and
If you have not previously updated QUAKE 4, this update will bring
your installation completely up to date. If you have previously
installed the update, this update can be installed over the
previous update without problems.

If you require additional QUAKE 4 technical support, please see the
help system that is included with the game, or visit the official
game website at

It is recommended that any user modifications that have been
installed to the QUAKE 4 directory be removed before installing
this update. These modifications are not supported by Activision
and may not be compatible with some of the new features that are
included in the patch.


Internet Game Connectivity:
We have recently identified a problem with servers that are unoccupied
for very long periods of time. The problem does not immediately manifest
itself to the server admin but clients will have difficulty connecting to
such servers. This update is required for all server admins and will
not affect protocol consistency, pure server or Punkbuster functionality.

Performance Enhancement for dual core processors and Intel(r)
Hyper-Threading technology:
This update enables Quake 4 to take advantage of the Hyper-Threading
technology of Intel(r) Dual core processors. Players who have computer
systems with this processor will notice significant performance gains
in Quake 4. With the update, systems with a single core processor which
uses the Hyper-Threading technology will have a performance jump of 25%
compared to non Hyper-threaded processors. Dual core processors with
Hyper-Threading technology will see a performance increase of up to 87%.
In short, systems with this technology will see the game run much faster
than ever before.

Test for number of processors (HT or Dual core):
To find out if you have Hyper-Threading enabled or a dual core system,
you can check by performing the following steps:

1. Press Ctrl + Alt + Delete. If a window called "Windows Task Manager"
does not appear, please click on the "Windows Task Manager" button.
2. When the window appears, click on the "Performance" tab.
3. There will be a section at the top of this window called "CPU Usage
History." If you have HT or dual core on your machine, there should be
two graphs side by side under the "CPU Usage History" label.
4. If those side-by-side graphs are not present and you believe that the
system should have HT, it may not be enabled in the BIOS. For more
information on how to enable HT in the BIOS, please consult any guides or
manuals from your computer manufacturer.

How to enable the game to use the Hyper-Threading technology:
By default, the symmetric multiprocessing(SMP)-based acceleration (which
is the feature that enables the performance increase) must be turned on
in the console.

To do this, please follow these steps:
1. After the game loads, open the console by holding down Ctrl + Alt + Tilde(~).
A window should now pop down from the top of the screen.
2. At the prompt, type "r_useSMP 1" and press enter.
3. Close the console by pressing the Tilde(~) key.

Quake 4 will automatically detect the number of processors in your system
and will not enable SMP if it does not find more than one processor. If
you need to disable SMP at any time, open the console and type "r_useSMP 0"
at the console and press enter. This will disable the SMP based acceleration.


- Copied map files can now be overwritten/deleted without
quitting first.
- The console command "com_allowconsole" will stay set after
leaving the game.

- Improved Game Browser sorting and filtering: You can sort by
up to three criteria, which will be displayed just under the
server list, with the more recently clicked criteria sorting
first. For example, to sort by ping time, then number of
players, then gametype, click them in the reverse order:
Click "GAMETYPE," then "PLAYERS," then "PING." The server
list will be sorted by the fastest ping, then the servers with
the fewest players, then the gametype.
Clicking a category more than once will keep its position as
the primary sorting criteria, but will change the sorting order.
After cycling through all available sort types, clicking the
category a final time will remove it from the sorting. Each
criteria has specific behavior with one or two clicks, as
Favorite Server: Display only favorites, or only non-favorites.
Password Enabled: Display only locked server, or only unlocked
Dedicated Server: Display only Dedicated servers, or only Listen
Punkbuster Enabled: Display only PB-enabled servers, or only PB-
disabled servers.
Server Name: Sort server names A to Z, or Z to A.
Ping: Sort by ping Low to High, or High to Low.
Players: Sort by Players High to Low, High to Low (non-full),
Low to High, or Low to High (non-empty).
Gametype: Sort by Deathmatch, Team DM, Tournament, CTF, or
Arena CTF.
Map: Sort by map CTF1 to DM9, or DM9 to CTF1.

- The Game Browser now displays more than 1000 servers.
- Fixed a problem with the refresh time on the Game Browser.
- Added a Game Browser filter for full or empty servers.
- Players can now connect to a server while the Game Browser is
- Game Browser sorting will display the correct server information
without the need to refresh the list.
- Clicking anywhere on the scrollbar except the button itself will
advance a page up or down instead of shifting to that position.
- Non-full server sorting now disregards full servers.
- Game Browser hover window updates when sort order is changed.
- Fixed a Game Browser slowdown issue with high numbers of servers.
- Added Game Browser server list scrolling with the mousewheel,
keyboard arrows up/down, and keyboard Page Up/Page Down.
- The Game Browser hover window will only appear when mousing over
a highlighted server.
- Sorting by server name will now ignore colored names, brackets,

- The dedicated server window will now be titled with the
si_name setting instead of "Quake 4".
Rat der Altvorderen
Rat der Altvorderen

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Registriert: 19 Feb 2004, 13:25:55
Wohnort: Siegertsbrunn

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